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Hello fellow Dietitian, Diet Tech or to-be!

Thank you for taking the time to complete the anonymous NutritionJobs Dietitian Salary Survey. We are all so curious about how much money dietitians make (or can make!). 

We are VERY interested in salary and compensation for traditional dietitian roles as they have evolved and also new non-traditional roles for dietitians.

We are also especially interested in your actual JOB TITLE! This is where it gets juicy as our profession evolves to serve in new and unique career capacities.

A few things you should know:

  • All entries will be kept anonymous
  • Complete this survey for each job you are paid (e.g., complete once for your 40hr/wk job as a clinical dietitian and a second time for your 10hr/wk job as a food blogger)
  • Please complete as honestly as possible – this survey will be anonymous
  • Your email address will not be shared with anyone, ever
  • This survey is for those working in the United States
  • Here are the Terms to The Dietitian Salary Survey Project by NutritionJobs

We are greatly appreciative of your participation. Know to grow!

Stacey Dunn-Emke, MS, RDN

The Salary Project
Advanced: Which of the following do you currently hold?
Gross Salary is what you earn before taxes, benefits and other payroll deductions that are withheld from your wages. The amount remaining after all withholdings is net pay or take-home pay. So, if your gross salary would be $65,000 (and your take-home pay is $44,800) then write 65000 below. We will do the math for an hourly rate based on how many reported hours you work per week.
Benefits: What additional compensation, if any, do you receive from this job? Check all that apply.